Monday, November 19, 2007

Fear of being hit.Multiple Times.

For awhile I have had a huge fear of being hit, not by some random stranger, but by an ex girlfriend.I have the feeling its coming soon and even on those near close encounters I now run away,down alleys and hid in a shop I know they will never enter,
Which is usually Game on Cruises Street.
I think I may have been a bad person in the past, and that like many made mistakes and have regrets..blah blah blah. I’m not bad enough to warrant a broken head,but the problem is people, other people,that’s always the problem. Others reactions to situation may differ from mine and then I’m not sure whats going though heads and then I’m fucked.Left wondering and waiting.Wondering whats the interpretation of my action and what action will it be met with.
There is a certain special person I believe if we met would try hospitalise me on the street, thank Christ for Game! I have tried the remain friends after relationship brakes up but that usually drifts and then no one cares. I had a strange relationship where at the end we did not see each other – via interwb break up,shows lack of balls but it just happened there and then.Didn't see each other till a very dodgy situation and I think I may be in for a beating. Things build up in a persons mind and brew and fester and it just builds, when I met said lady,I’m gonna have my head caved right in.Not sure what my reaction to that should be,and haven’t really thought through the situation.
I think I would have to stand there and take it and show what a Gent I am as I get he bus home covered in blood.As you can tell this is becoming quiet a big fear of mine and is really growing by the near encounters.Maybe on next encounter I could change the situation and improve my chances of survival,But this lady is very unpredictable, which is maybe what I liked about her, but now could be my end.Maybe I feel this as I know I did something horrific to her, which is not the case, But its one of the situations where it seems I did but was a misunderstanding an have yet to explain it to her as we don’t talk so it brews in her head.I know she has moved on over our relationship but it was a long time and time is a factor in everything, not so much time left for people in general, so time add misunderstanding,unpredictable woman and it equals me with busted head and smelly bloody eyes.I cant wait for it to be over so when the next sighting happens I will wonder over and push it to its end.
Its shocked me she has not had first sight and encountered me but maybe I was lucky, Or maybe this situation is all in my head and she does not care one bit, maybe. I am not a pessimist or optimist, but a realist- so I will start to carry a knife with me (Joke :)) .
After scrawling this all down I have decided to push it to the limits and when next encounter occurs to go over smile , say "hai",shake hands and offer a coffee (then shoot her under the table :)),maybe we can exchange Christmas cards or something or she can tell me how her new boyfriend is better than me in every way . I write this as I wait for my turn of World Of warcraft,My turn now :).

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