Monday, November 5, 2007

Unknown Celeb of the week - Daniel Johnston

Daniel diagnosed with bipolar disorder has led a very varied and interesting life, a normal average day does not
seem to exist for this man, some say a genius others a fool.His first recordings where done using a faithful tape
recorder,but little did Daniel know he could tape the original and create many copies of the original, so instead each album he
created might have featured the same songs as another album of the same name but each song was different in small ways.
Daniel being a huge comic book fan uses alot of the old American comic book heroes in his themes,which to me is quit appealing
being another comic fan.This man has played with the great from Sonic Youth to Jad Fair,and has been sited as an influence
by many of the greats like David bowie,Kurt Cobain,Eddy Vedder,Henry Rollins and the list goes on.

For me I had heard of Daniel before his film "The Devil and Daniel Johnston" ,but that film really exposed me to him
and I found a love for the classic "walking the cow" which even my little brother knows word for word, Some very catchy
songs mixed in with common and interesting themes and hidden harmony,He has some hits but Personally I Believe he also has many a miss,
His concerts seems to be a mix, Each different and the audience not knowing what to expect from each show.

His life seems very interesting and how he goes about his music, "The Devil and Daniel Johnston" is a very interesting watch but for me
could be very depressing at times. Check out the video of "Walking the cow" from his show in Dublin Down Below and check out his film.

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