Wednesday, November 7, 2007

How to stab someone with a gun.

So and to the start at the end, he was grovelling on the floor, picking up his blood covered teeth and storing them for future use in his breast pocket, swishing about in a pool of blood which was mixing in with the streams of piss pouring out his eyes and his pants. Drenched in his own misery and crying as he didn’t care anymore,Crying as loud as he could,screaming angry tears as no one cared, this wouldn’t be remember and it was all drawing close to the end. Thinking logical was an insult, this situation called for something profound or someone to care.
“MOTHER…..OH SHIT ,OH FUCK “ It didn’t matter now, it was all too soon for the grand finally, he wanted to end it ,bring it to its conclusion and just be over,buried in the ground till he was nothing more than done and dusted.Pissing and crying wont help him now, if only he could move,get up from the floor and try get back what he had, but it was too late, struggling like a fish out of water trying to breath and waiting for some sign,But It wasn’t coming, Forcing himself off the floor has the hardest thing he ever did,moving his hand and then Yes,Christ it was finally over,The credits began to role and that was the end of the lord of the rings trilogy.

This feeling is a gentle mix of Angry/Crying, I think best expressed at the very end of the film Bad Lieutant .I couldnt find the exact clip so rent and watch it.I think this special feeling is pure fustration and I often feel the same so I am a huge fan of seeing it expressed anywhere,it also provides hours of laughter even when just out of the mist of it.In real life i have seen Angry/Crying and it intrests me alot,when I see others expressing this emotion I wonder why they feel it,Maybe I wonder this as lately I believe I might be a noisy person, I have always had a huge intrest in People and their rooms, It tells alot about the person and its an endless talking point.When I was younger I used to have a strange compulsion of endlessly improving and changing about my room.I am also not a big television fan but love to watch shows with a "Through the Keyhole" type thing going on.

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