Thursday, October 18, 2007

Unknown Celeb Of the week - GG Allin

The man,the myth,the legend- I think people like to remember the Myth Of GG Allin when they think of his activites,when really he was a scumbag as he used to say himself in his vile,shock and horror lyrics.Shouting into the mic drunk and high he was more a symbol than a musician.Many looked to him thinking he "never sold out to the corporate man" which is true but really it was because he couldnt sell out.
A man of such high ethics who used to beat his fans,Shit and piss on them, What a legend. Standing at the front of a GG Allin show meant usually going home black and blue, For years I knew this and there where of course the legends of his final hours which where caught on tape,in which in shits and pisses himself,beats up the fans and also beats himself,standing naked with what many believe is the smallest recorded penis worldwide (maybe this caused some of that rage.)oh what dignity he had in those final hours, when the owner of the venue GG Allin is playing comes to shut this shitfest down, GG throws his bag at him and kicks out a window and smashes the place up, I'm taking it GG didnt do many shows by this carry on!
So onward and upward as GG takes to the streets covered in shit,blood and piss, with about fifty angry GG fans who want to hear more, throwing bottles and breaking windows ie rebelling.A taxi is pulled over as a Shit,blood and piss covered GG is piled in, with all the fuse of the half assed riot on the street and a man covered in crap, the taxi driver removes GG and his inner circle of morons.GG as he continues down the road seems to grow clothes as he goes,he ends up with a jacket and a half ripper boxer shorts covering his shame.
Later that night GG was found dead in his hotel room, he died of an overdose, being honest if I just had the day he had I might have done the same,but being honest I think I would have not taken a thing as having those final hours as my last hours on earth would be too much of a joke and a disgrace.
GG Allen we hail you !

Watch below the final show and riot of GG Allen.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Joy Division

At last Control is coming to a cinema near you, the film about Joy Division and Ian Curtis was long in the making and in my opinion well a well deserved topic.The Trailer looks very majestic,rich with volume and texture being shot in Black and white really seems to bring it out.I hope the full story is shown and not a one sided view as the director is meant to have been a friend of Ian Curtis,Either was many will go see it and live in the myth created for us on screen.I hope to see this at some point but doubt I will see a sign of it in Limerick anytime soon.
Take a look at the trailer -

Apple will improve your life

Through out my life I have never had a love of the brands, wearing a runners with a Nike Swoosh and paying some extra bucks for the swoosh never got me, very little of what I own have any brand showing or are produced by any well know brand, except one - Apple.

Apple are strange, they make me hate myself for actually respecting and liking the company!

what a great company ! About a year and a half ago I bought a second hand G4 iBook as I have an extra set of paw's who keeps pawing my HP Laptop.That was all well and good until getting some use off the Mac, that's where it all went apple shaped .

The iBook, although about two to three years older than my HP could run programs faster, smoother and without crashing, it took a short while to get used to using the Mac , but after that the only problem was who was going to use it, My Brother is young and could never get around the window's operating system and the endless faults ,crashing and crashing, (I'm crying) so he Begain to use the Mac alot which was the reason I had bought it , but then I also wanted to use the Mac, so began the war for the "good one". It amazing but so far I have not come across any problems on the Mac other than the screen is very small compared to my 17 " wide screen HP.The Software works and does what it is meant to do with ease and its all done with such style and finesse like a ballerina, its funny but sometimes I step back and think "this is the way it should actually be" , it makes sence and works. Since having the iBook, i have had my brand new HP taken away twice and right now it is acting up like a bold child who will get a broken screen, at this point i think some of the damage with the HP has be done by my endless, clicking and banging, sounds mad but my laptop helped me discover my temper and also give me a huge lack of patience.I am afraid if I ever had to work around another HP would I actually destroy it by my Raging Karma alone.Going around to other peoples homes and seeing the windows problems brings a smile to my face as it reminds me of the Mac and how it has actually improved my life.But the Mac has it's drawn backs which are a huge lack of games, but the best does come to Mac (eventually!) and there's plenty of shareware games going .In general I haven't had any bad experience with Apple , except for awhile having a dislike of iTunes and their store,Until I discovered about getting free audio books, music and pod casts.The mac seems more expensive than most other computers but you are paying so you don't have to pay in the future whether that be paying for repairs or for anger management.also do not forget the Mac also comes with the some of the greatest software going,which you will actually use and enjoy.If you are planing to buy a new computer any time soon please check out the apple site and do some research and save yourself the hassle with windows and the other devils.

Alot of the mac users go to far treating the mac as something to be elitist about which it isn't, as anyone can buy and use a mac.The mac does have a certain style to it which other computers lack in software and hardware, and alot of style fan's would go for alone, being honest I don't like the style of the hardware too much, but the software makes it an easy and pleasurable experience.Windows Vista has taken many many ideas from the Mac OS and why not? , sure its ripping off in away but it works and anything that helps the current windows users is a good thing but if you want the best go Mac!

Louie Theroux

Louie Theroux, A Genius, with his intresting and unique view on situation and his subjects,he asks the unaskable and becomes apart of the subject to the point of many of the subjects later believing Louie to be their friend or relative, The endless great quotes and warm friendly humour makes his shows a pleasure to watch and its not like he is digging for dirt on his subjects but he actually seems to be showing them as they are and i don't know how, its like he is part of the actually subjects friends or family interacting with them in a day to day way, i think this is a huge part of the entertainment his show presents, lets get down to the jelly babies- here's a few hours of a very enjoyable show with Louie Theroux being friend and relative ! yet again another win for Google Video !

Papercraft \0/

Heyi Kid ! I finally after alot of dicking about got my printer , I went for a Canon, ip1800 which was quite cheap at about fifty five yo-yo's , I got mine in Dunne's and the boldness and convenience cost me an extra four to the pocket, but Argus has alot of good printers going cheap , But what ever you do beware, ink cartridges are the true evil, its the cartridges the company updates and not the printer's so in a few month's getting ink will be harder than finding My Bloody Valentine's first few recording's on vinyl.A great tool for checking out the Canon Printer's is which actually sends you a free print from the selected printer.So far I have been printing many a papercraft , here's a few great sites to add to the list - and also

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


PaperCraft - It's something I have had an intrest in for quite abit as I always liked model's and the related stick, But this was something better, It was free and anyone could make a model, all that was required was paper and someone nice enough to print the page for you.

Having been making card Building's for other Games for years, this was the natural progression.

I think in PaperCraft it is becoming an art style in its' self, some of the amazing model's made from paper and glue would shock you.

My favourite's would have to be the amazing working Record player as a huge record fan I gotta makes me one of these !
Hard to believe it actually produces any sound but check out the word's and understand the science.

Second up for me would have to be another love of mine turned paper - The paper camera which also work's, theres quite a few of these camera's floating about and some of the designs are outstanding, still no Lomo though !

If your like me (that mean's not good at PaperCraft!) and want to begin on something fun, simple and stylish what better place to start only on Ben's SpeakerDog's !
These guys are simple, fun and also some really nice idea's in there too, check it out - , Currently I am creating a SpeakerDog of my own, using one of the blank Template's, Hopefully showing a collage of Limericks Building's and site's, mixed up till they are not even acknowledged as buildings! But he also excepts submission's for the series's, so get making !!
Hopefully I have show a few good papercraft's and given the urge to go ,create, there's PaperCraft of everything you could possible image so keep searching.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The Happiness Map

Okai ! I have found what seem's to be the best map in the world ! It's a map showing the level's of happiness, and Guess what ? My house is in the red ( Red's a good thing for once). This map was produced by Adrian White who is a Analytical Social Psychologist at the University of Leiceter. The one thing I would like to know is how was the Happiness measured? Well it seem's safe to say different thing's make different people happy but to calculate and measure , surely there must be a standard or a common unit - heres the science

Try this test out from the BBC website and see how happy you are -

I did this Test and it seem's I am ...
"Slightly below average in life satisfaction -
People who score in this range usually have small but significant problems in several areas of their lives, or have many areas that are doing fine but one area that represents a substantial problem for them.", You may think that bad but my first time doing this test I by accident left out a question and the result didnt make me happy at all at all!
I think item's like these two are great for moral ! Wouldnt it be a better world if it was all red, I'm very bad at quotes but the one about the guy's who put their problem's into the pot come's to mind, Everyone prefered to take away their own problem.

Kyle Gambler

Ello ! Alot of peep's (People) complain about the lack of fun quick game's . I know myself after being a WOW addict( )

I am looking for something that take's a minute to play but is also enjoyable,original and never forget FREE! Kyle Gambler rose to fame, Last year after completing an amazing project of experimental games, and here comes the great part - which you can download and play for free ! theres enough Game's to keep you entertained for hour's not even based on game play but on originality and style alone.

Some I would recoment would be -" Attack of the killer swarm" "Gravity head" "Rainy day" "The Crowd" " Tower of Goo" . I would love if this guy made a full lenght game , using his style and orginality would make it a number one in my books !

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Google Video is a great internet resource for instant free documentaries but not sure why, a lot of them seem based on a conspiracy theory (or maybe I have just bad luck!), I usually when bored like to watch a good google conspiracy documentary, some very weird, some that seem to make sense a little and then there’s “zeitgeist”, which I think has to be one of the better conspiracy theory documentaries. “Zeitgeist” opens with a good seven minutes of music and powerful images and it looks like it could disappoint, that is all changed after the next fifteen minutes in which it unveils a lot of facts which most people already knew ,but it continues to adds to these facts and pieces them together on the screen for you in the most basic way possible leaving you with an disturbing shiver down your spine .as with a lot of shows like this a large pinch of salt is recommended with the ideas served up. But imagine the next conversion you have about the topics mentioned in the show and bringing some of these ideas up to answer those unanswerable questions, puzzle your friends and worry your family. The sheer talking points you can take away from this show is unimaginable and also the time spend thinking about the actual topics and wondering and trying to give reason and explain makes this show well worth a watch, from another point this “zeigeist” can also be taken as one nasty horror show. If you also want to even just download the film you can from as torrent from the official website - Any show that can worry you and also make you think must be good!

Making Music

Music is an evolving beast and more and more people are writing their own music, there are a thousand and one programs and it all comes down to a huge argument which is the best program.I'm no expert on the subject but I have used a lot of the smaller easy to get programs going and used many a trial.My favourite one has to be “Garage band “on the Apple Mac, its easy to use and has a lot of utilities, being able to record your own real instruments and then add to it with a large selection of digital instruments is an easy task to do, even showing a friend with less know how then me, and letting them at it for half an hour produces some noise which they can grow to love.Check out the “Garage Band Site -

I went over to London not so long ago and saw the “Garage Band” special Presentation in the huge Apple store, seated in what could be called a cinema watching a guy chucking out some great sounding music in minutes and with little effort. Before seeing this, I did use “Garage Band” but not to half its potential, exploring a program is always quicker when being given a guided tour! I have big hopes myself for my own music and plan to make a music video / Slide Show type thing which should be easy enough to do but it's getting around to it.

There’s a lot more complex and in depth programs out there , but they in most cases cost a great deal more than “Garage Band” which comes with Apple's “ilife”, and is included with all new Apple Mac's. It’s a useful and fun program and everyone has to start somewhere. There have been quite a few musicians who have risen to fame through “Garage band” and the newestWould have to be “George Pringle”, who’s mix of Poetry and backing beats combine a nice mix that actually really grows on you. Check out her Myspace -

I'm currently doing some music myself as I always wanted to make my own album and why not?With the technology available now, you can produce your own music and album sleeve with little cost and time. Up above is the artwork of my album; once I find out how to upload a few songs on here I will show my efforts and make your ear's cry blood.

Hihi !

Howdy! I have decided to write a blog .