Thursday, October 11, 2007

Apple will improve your life

Through out my life I have never had a love of the brands, wearing a runners with a Nike Swoosh and paying some extra bucks for the swoosh never got me, very little of what I own have any brand showing or are produced by any well know brand, except one - Apple.

Apple are strange, they make me hate myself for actually respecting and liking the company!

what a great company ! About a year and a half ago I bought a second hand G4 iBook as I have an extra set of paw's who keeps pawing my HP Laptop.That was all well and good until getting some use off the Mac, that's where it all went apple shaped .

The iBook, although about two to three years older than my HP could run programs faster, smoother and without crashing, it took a short while to get used to using the Mac , but after that the only problem was who was going to use it, My Brother is young and could never get around the window's operating system and the endless faults ,crashing and crashing, (I'm crying) so he Begain to use the Mac alot which was the reason I had bought it , but then I also wanted to use the Mac, so began the war for the "good one". It amazing but so far I have not come across any problems on the Mac other than the screen is very small compared to my 17 " wide screen HP.The Software works and does what it is meant to do with ease and its all done with such style and finesse like a ballerina, its funny but sometimes I step back and think "this is the way it should actually be" , it makes sence and works. Since having the iBook, i have had my brand new HP taken away twice and right now it is acting up like a bold child who will get a broken screen, at this point i think some of the damage with the HP has be done by my endless, clicking and banging, sounds mad but my laptop helped me discover my temper and also give me a huge lack of patience.I am afraid if I ever had to work around another HP would I actually destroy it by my Raging Karma alone.Going around to other peoples homes and seeing the windows problems brings a smile to my face as it reminds me of the Mac and how it has actually improved my life.But the Mac has it's drawn backs which are a huge lack of games, but the best does come to Mac (eventually!) and there's plenty of shareware games going .In general I haven't had any bad experience with Apple , except for awhile having a dislike of iTunes and their store,Until I discovered about getting free audio books, music and pod casts.The mac seems more expensive than most other computers but you are paying so you don't have to pay in the future whether that be paying for repairs or for anger management.also do not forget the Mac also comes with the some of the greatest software going,which you will actually use and enjoy.If you are planing to buy a new computer any time soon please check out the apple site and do some research and save yourself the hassle with windows and the other devils.

Alot of the mac users go to far treating the mac as something to be elitist about which it isn't, as anyone can buy and use a mac.The mac does have a certain style to it which other computers lack in software and hardware, and alot of style fan's would go for alone, being honest I don't like the style of the hardware too much, but the software makes it an easy and pleasurable experience.Windows Vista has taken many many ideas from the Mac OS and why not? , sure its ripping off in away but it works and anything that helps the current windows users is a good thing but if you want the best go Mac!

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