Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Making Music

Music is an evolving beast and more and more people are writing their own music, there are a thousand and one programs and it all comes down to a huge argument which is the best program.I'm no expert on the subject but I have used a lot of the smaller easy to get programs going and used many a trial.My favourite one has to be “Garage band “on the Apple Mac, its easy to use and has a lot of utilities, being able to record your own real instruments and then add to it with a large selection of digital instruments is an easy task to do, even showing a friend with less know how then me, and letting them at it for half an hour produces some noise which they can grow to love.Check out the “Garage Band Site - http://www.apple.com/ilife/garageband/

I went over to London not so long ago and saw the “Garage Band” special Presentation in the huge Apple store, seated in what could be called a cinema watching a guy chucking out some great sounding music in minutes and with little effort. Before seeing this, I did use “Garage Band” but not to half its potential, exploring a program is always quicker when being given a guided tour! I have big hopes myself for my own music and plan to make a music video / Slide Show type thing which should be easy enough to do but it's getting around to it.

There’s a lot more complex and in depth programs out there , but they in most cases cost a great deal more than “Garage Band” which comes with Apple's “ilife”, and is included with all new Apple Mac's. It’s a useful and fun program and everyone has to start somewhere. There have been quite a few musicians who have risen to fame through “Garage band” and the newestWould have to be “George Pringle”, who’s mix of Poetry and backing beats combine a nice mix that actually really grows on you. Check out her Myspace - http://www.myspace.com/georgepringle

I'm currently doing some music myself as I always wanted to make my own album and why not?With the technology available now, you can produce your own music and album sleeve with little cost and time. Up above is the artwork of my album; once I find out how to upload a few songs on here I will show my efforts and make your ear's cry blood.

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